The Plan


I am a planner. I always have been, I probably will be forever. I like to map things out, doodle to-do lists, and take steps that are productive and useful. I love the feeling of checking a box, or crossing something off a list. I have lists everywhere. Really.

With that in mind, I would like to say that I have a plan to move this blog forward. Sadly, I created it and then neglected it, I won’t bore you with details. But it’s always been in the back of my head. Because I want to do this. And more importantly, I want to make a difference to someone, I want to brighten days, share smiles, and send some love.

This plan includes a lot of behind the scene stuff like fixing up the website, redefining my purpose, and sending lots and lots of letters. But it also has some blog stuff, like creating some series, actually making blogging a habit, and getting out there in the media world.

If you haven’t checked out the website, do it. If this is something you are interested in, maybe even love, soon I will have ways for people to get involved and help spread some sunshine. That’s part of the plan, too! Be patient with me, give me some encouragement (ideas, too, if you have some. I like fresh thoughts), and spread the word! Mail it Forward is back in action. And it’s going to stay that way!